
作者: 更新时间:2010-09-27 点击数:

要想申请美国大学本科的奖学金,首先需要了解一下美国奖学金的概念。实际上,所谓美国大学“奖学金”应称为 “经济资助(financial aid)”,这些奖学金主要是基金会、公司、或私人捐助给学校的,金额从五百美元到十几万美元不等,大部分限制只提供给美国公民,供给国际学生的很少。



1. Need-Based

Financial aid that is need-based depends on your financial situation. Most government sources of financial aid are need-based.


2. Merit-based

Financial aid that is merit-based depends on your academic, artistic or athletic merit or some other criteria, and does not depend on the existence of financial need. Merit-based awards use your grades, test scores, hobbies and special talents to determine your eligibility for scholarships.


3. Need-Blind

Under need-blind admissions, the school decides whether to make an offer of admission to a student without considering the students financial situation. Most schools use a need-blind admissions process. A few schools will use financial need to decide whether to include marginal students in the wait list.


以上是美国本科奖学金的申请介绍,而我们通常还会看到Fellowship和Graduate Assistantship这样的字眼, 以及Graduate Assistantship下的Teaching Assistantship (俗称的 ‘TA’)和Research Assistantship (俗称的 ‘RA’),他们均属于服务性奖学金,这种奖学金只提供给硕士或博士申请者,获此奖学金者需在校担任每周12-20小时的辅助教学或研究工作。本科生在少数学院也能获得助研金,但比率相对很小。

